Bertsolaritza and basque cider
"Bertsolaritza", Basque oral tradition and natural cider

It is said that bertsolaritza (Basque oral tradition) and cider have always been closely related and there is a reason for that belief. In fact, the old bars were cider houses in all the corners of Euskal Herria, and bertsolariak sang bertsoak there all the time. Furthermore, cider was made in all the farm houses, and during the tasks that were done to make the cider, the women and men who made it used to create bertsoak on that topic, on the environment of the cider houses and on the cider itself. An example of this is the first publication of Sagardoaren Graziya, a prolific book of bertsoak edited by the Auspoa section and directed by Antonio Zabala.
The book collects verses from bertsolari Ramón Artola (1831-1906). The first bertso says this:
Bedeinkatua izan dedilla
Sagardoaren graziya
Bai eta ere kupira gabe
Eraten duben guziya;
Erari honek lagun askori
Ematen dabe biziya
Hau gabe egotia da
Neretzat penitentziya
Translation: Blessed are the cider and all those who drink it without shame, this drink gives life to many, for me it is a penance to live without it.
Nowadays you can still hear the bertsoak in the cider houses, but that custom of singing both in cider houses and in bars is somewhat lost. But it is true that some of the Gipuzkoan Bertsolari Championship celebrations will take place in a cider house, and that from now on many bertsoak will be sung alongside the kupelak (barrels). And the great Udarregi perfectly summarizes this in the bertso released at the beginning of a bertso session with Pello Errota.
Pello Errota:
Berez kupi gaitzala
guziyon jabiak,
ta eman ditzaigula
orain astera guaz
beñe kolejiyuan
ibilli gabiak
Translation: May our Lord have mercy on us and give us skills, now we are going to be preachers, without ever having gone to school.
Asiera eman du
Pello Errotariyak,
batek ainbat einkizun
badaukagu biyak;
aitortuko ditugu
publiko egiyak:
gure kolejiyuak
Translation: Pello Errotari has started it, we both have a lot to do, but let's admit the truth in public: cider houses are our schools.
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