Cider, the family trade, the work of women and men
Lifestyles sometimes become trades; it trades with other life forms. Families have been the mainstay of the social structure for centuries; and in the case of cider production, they have provided the guarantee of a working group for many generations. The family has been a working group to earn a living in the hamlets that are our base.

This agricultural trade has dealt with many areas and continues to do so today: land, fruit growing, orchards, livestock and production of various products. In the middle, cider. The day-to-day performance came out with homework. And it has been this family that has practiced the profession.
We often say that the area corresponding to the square was man-made. To a large extent, we have often cited bertsolarization and popular sports as examples. In addition to the square, the man has also been represented outside the home in various spaces, such as cider tastings in other farms and cider houses, in photographs and in meetings of the sector. The sale of the square, the service of the house barrel and the money accounts, on the other hand, have been the province of women. And these spaces have remained that way for years, as if everyone knew their place, as if someone who did not understand or respect them was crazy or against the system, which will remain anecdotal and rebellious in history, at least not forgotten. . As if everyone did not have an important wish and desire to do; as regulated by the cultural, public and religious order. Each one on his site, chincho and satisfied.
However, when he is no longer happy, chaos ensues. The common tendency of man: the need to reject what he does not understand, the need to build power relations instead of sharing spaces, to maintain order. And that's where the sauce begins. The one who was working at home goes to the factory while he takes care of the housework. Has the crisis hit our land with unemployment and what was working outside has returned home, home care? Reconciliation of the word restlessness, the struggle of feminism and the elaboration of the words equality and parity in the same way. And the cider house, like many other Basque crafts, dances in the same bowl. Supported by generational renewal and training, it allows family structures and ways of working with men and women to continue working on inheritance parity. That is, beyond the majority, beyond leaving the house to the child, to understand the wishes of those who leave and take and follow the family structure, seeking the guarantee of the nature of the company and their happiness and quality of life .
Chaos is passing, although the fog still does not show a straight path of light. By gradually breaking the limits of space, one can seek his place according to his abilities, beyond sex. And now, taking steps forward, we have started working on ways to find the right conditions so that everyone has the right conditions in their position, regardless of whether they are male or female.
And we see it little by little in cider tastings, cider houses, meals, bars, photos and images, in various fields and speeches. Whether it was the first wife or daughter, we now have such a house. Basically being natural is the most important thing. Knowing how to take a real photo of the situation, ask the wishes of those around us, identify emotions and practice succession in a healthy way. Speech. Communicate. Communication can help us to listen to reality with open eyes, it can help us to understand that we are different cider consumers. We are so diverse and diverse that it is a drink that women and men enjoy.
We wouldn't know how cider is made if women and men hadn't worked together for generations. Thanks to all of them for making life a profession and a profession for many years. It is up to us, the men and women of today, to understand current habits and changes, acting naturally to continue cultivating the virtues, quality and desire of this product that is ours now and in the future. Let the cider find us in our favorite corners.
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