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Specific protocol for cider houses 2021
Protocol created for the prevention of COVID-19 in our cider houses


Description of the cider house concept


  • Our cider houses are producers of natural cider: they combine agricultural activity with restaurant services. These cider houses are large spaces located mostly in natural surroundings.
  • The main characteristics of cider houses are their spaces such us: dining rooms, cellars, tasting spaces and apple orchards.
  • In the dining room each person sits with their companions; but they have the possibility to taste the cider directly from the barrels. With his own glass, they go to the cellar and with the help of an expert they can learn more about the product. This is its main attraction and its greatest peculiarity: the cider tasting is done in the cellar and directly from the barrels.



Possibilities offered by cider houses 

  • Amplitude: open spaces, different dining rooms, long tables and rows and several options are guaranteed to maintain safety distance. In the spaces offered by the cider houses, thanks to their wide areas, we can have greater tranquility and comfort zones to be able to enjoy our free time.
  • Space outside the cider house: nature, apple orchards and terraces.



Personal hygiene of workers:

  • Use of masks in the kitchen and dining room and wash their hands every 30 min for 30 seconds.
  • Maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between groups (regardless of whether or not one of them has symptoms associated with the virus).
  • Don't touch their own faces.
  • Workers' changing rooms: signs, safety distance, reduce the number of people in the changing rooms and do it in shifts.

Dining room and cellar:

  • The service must be seated.
  • The use of individual plates is mandatory.
  • You can move the dish to the center as long as it is served with specific cutlery to serve the food.
  • Wash hands every 30 min for 30 seconds.
  • Encourage card payment.
  • Control the existence of sanitary material.
  • Supervise good practices in employees. Daily washing of staff clothing.
  • Use of individual plates, essential to maintain the tranquility of the guests and the protocol.

Kitchen: Reception of goods, immediate disinfection and separation by categories:

  • Use of the face mask and gloves in the kitchen.
  • Wash hands every 30 min for 30 seconds.
  • Daily disinfection of staff clothes.
  • Do not mix the kitchen staff with the dining room staff, differentiate two work groups.

Guided visits:

  • Necessary measures must be established to maintain the interpersonal safety distance or, failing that, the use of alternative physical protection measures. The use of the face mask will be mandatory, even if the interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 meters is maintained.
  • It is recommended to increase the time outdoors and avoid the time indoors, whenever possible.
  • These visits are made to give added value to the own product, the cider. Therefore, at the end of the visit, the cider will be tasted and the option to purchase the product will be given in the store set up for it.

Restaurant services and establishments


FACE MASK: The use of the mask will be mandatory for people over six years of age, regardless of the interpersonal distance, both when on public roads and in outdoor spaces and when in closed spaces for public use or that are open to the public, the face mask will also be obligatory. In restaurants and catering establishments and services, this obligation to use the mask is excluded only at the time of food or beverage intake. Otherwise, it must be used.