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The 4th generation of the Gurutzeta cider house is about to retire and in the absence of generational relief, it has had to reinvent itself. We have made the decision to leave the txotx/2023 in the hands of an experienced chef Ander Esarte, manager of the Txuleta Restaurant in the Old Town of San Sebastian.

It is a new project that, on the one hand, solves the lack of generational relief in the cider house and, on the other, ensures the future, always with the premise of preserving the Gurutzeta cider-making tradition. 

  • Open all year round.
  • Gurutzeta Sagardotegia, Oialume Bidea, 63. 20115 Astigarraga.
  • See map
  • (+34) 943 55 22 42

Reserva Online

This cider house does not offer a restaurant service, you can find cider houses with restaurant and make the reservation online.
